1 Authentic Woman

Friday, April 26, 2013

* GUEST BLOGGER* Stylicia Bowden

Born "Alpha", Woman That Is!

I know who I am, I embrace who I am and who I am is what I accept; no validation needed. ~Stylicia~
Its has been almost two years since I threw away the carbon copy of who I thought I was and traded it in for the unadulterated woman God created me to be. In this journey I have learn so much about myself and realized the authentic me had to emerge. I lived my life for years being a fake, pleasing other people because of my insecurities. In 2011, I got an epiphany and have not been the same ever since.  My circle of friends have changed and I realize this road to authenticity can be lonely when you start dancing to the own beat of your drum. In the first two months of 2013 the revelation of myself started to go deeper when I went on a 30 day soul detox. The big reveal was that I am not an ordinary woman but extraordinary woman. God created me with unique characteristics that I did not want to embrace. Have you ever asked God, "Why did you make me this way?" The simple answer is God loves me just the way I am and does not mind being patient with me to tame or deliver the things that will harm my success. So yesterday in deep conversation with a dear friend I brought up "The Alpha Woman". I told her we are Alpha Women, born to be this way. You may ask me, "Stylicia, what exactly is an Alpha Woman?" After intense research on the Alpha Woman I have complied a list of some characteristics that make me or you an Alpha Woman. Let's look deeper and embrace this "Alpha Woman" phenom.
The Unveiling Of The Alpha Woman : Characteristics
Characteristic #1: The Alpha Woman is Confident. She knows what she wants and go for it. Go Getter Mentality
Characteristic #2: The Alpha Woman is Independent. She believes in pushing her own weight and making things happen for herself.
Characteristic #3: The Alpha Woman is Purpose Driven. She knows her purpose in life and everyday she sets a target to fulfill her goals.
Characteristic #4: The Alpha Woman is aware of her power. She uses her feminine power to lead in a positive light. She is subtle and like the finer things in life.
Characteristic #5: The Alpha Woman is classy. She is wrapped in all things elegant.
Characteristic #6: The Alpha Woman is a trendsetter. She inspires people through her words, her style, and most of all through her presence.
Characteristic #7: The Alpha Woman does not have to demand respect, respect automatically follows her; everywhere she goes.
Characteristic #8: The Alpha Woman can sometimes be demanding. She lives her life on auto inspire & auto make a difference. She is out to change the world.
Characteristic #9 The Alpha Woman is confident.
Characteristic #10 The Alpha Woman is authentic.
Characteristic #11: The Alpha Woman is intellectual. She loves to gain knowledge through educating herself for the next big takeover.
Characteristic #12: The Alpha Woman is unique. She never tries to blend in because she knows her worth and she knows she is an original. No one can imitate her.
Does this sound like you? Well if so, join the bandwagon I AM AN ALPHA WOMAN, TOO! Embrace who you are, allow God to perfect it and balance you out. Never be ashamed of who you are be that "Alpha Woman" you were born to be!
Examples of Alpha Women:
1) Beyonce
2) Oprah Winfrey
3) First Lady Michelle Obama
4) Tyra Banks
5) Jada Pinkett
6) Alicia Keys
7) Queen Latifah
8) Angela Bassett
9) Mary J Blige 

Stylicia Bowden is a self published Author of several book
The Inspirational Corner
All About Him: The Experience
The Writer's Block
The Princess Within: The Soul of a Woman 

 Check out MORE Blogs by Stylicia Bowden 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Break-UP

    It is time for me to say good bye.  I know that you are thinking to yourself, why.  All I can think is, WHY NOT?!  Remaining connected to you serves me, NO purpose at all.  There are things that I have to do that won't allow me to stay connected to you.  You are holding me back from being the Woman, Mother, Author, Friend,Daughter, Sister and Wife that I can be, that I was created to be. For many years, you and I have had this on again off again love/hate relationship. Our highs have really been high but when we are low, whew, we were low. I don't believe that you will just leave on your own. So, I have made the decision that I am leaving YOU!!!
     This morning I woke up with a smile on a my face and joy in my heart. I giggled in delight when I turned over and I didn't see your twisted ugly face. Good morning Sunshine is what you used to say as I would turn over and put my pillow on my face. Oh, God I don't want to get up! Aww, ish I don't feel like this today. What the eff....do I really have to. TODAY, today is a different day.
    My feet hit the floor and my eyes twinkled. I mouthed Thank you Father. I said good morning to my children and as they went down the stairs to leave for school,"I love you have a good day son", "I love you have a good day sweet girl"
     As I sit in the kitchen having a drink of orange juice, I begin to wonder what took me so long to leave you. What was holding me back? I thought about all the times that I started things and didn't finish. I started school three times...didn't complete. This time I graduate in December. The book that I started years ago. Mah, that didn't count because I was bitter writing that. My "real" book is about to be released. The relationships that I messed up, incomplete and failed.  All the times I put up a wall to protect myself. Was I protecting myself or was I hiding. Hiding from what people would think about me. Maybe more fearful of what I would show them about me.
  I go back upstairs to get ready for work.  I look in the mirror and I smile...I had to cheat on my FEARS to get the strength to break up with my DOUBTS. Now that I am  Engaged To my FAITH & Married  to my DREAMS. I can see myself for who I truly am. My Authentic self, the way that God created me!