1 Authentic Woman

Friday, January 11, 2013

Ms.Independent vs Ms. Self Sufficient

I posted a few days ago on my Facebook page "Real men are NOT intimidated by a "self sufficient" woman."Thanks Bruce Lee for being truthful.  I hear "single" women screaming ....I'm independent, I'm independent that is why I am single a man is intimidated by ME. Sit down and SHAD UP. You are single because a REAL man is not gonna put up with the drama you bring.  A REAL man will protect his woman, fight for his woman, love his woman, hold his woman and laugh with his woman. In the mean time MS. INDEPENDENT can't  tolerate this man. She thinks he is weak, a punk, too nice.  She wants a THUG. When she gets a REAL man she can/will ruin him.  She wants a man to be in her life financially but wants him to sit down and close his mouth when it comes to valid input/insight in her life.  MS. INDEPENDENT is often in different "relationship" because she seems to think that she intimidates men.
  Let me quickly EDUCATE you...there is a difference in independent and self sufficient.  The difference is happiness. An independent woman has no focus and pessimistic, nothing is ever good or right. She is always complaining, there is always some other woman that is jealous or a hater, at least in her mind's eye.  She always has some piece of man around that she chose for some weak reason then she disrespects and demasculates him for a weaker reason....to make her feel better about who she THINKS she is or who she wants others to think she is.  She lacks self-esteem, purpose or goals.  she often adorns her exterior with "things" to cover
Ms./Mrs. SELF SUFFICIENT may or man not have a man at her side.  She doesn't always have to prove she is INDEPENDENT by announcing "I'm an independent woman" It is in her stride, her face, her confidence.  She WILL follow a man with a plan. She knows her value and so does he.  She is confident in who she is and strives to be better.  She recognizes her GREATNESS  and walks in it. A woman that is self sufficient doesn't need a man to be who she is.  She understands that in a relationship that she and her mate both have roles.  Where he is weak she is strong and where she is weak  he is strong.  They compliment eachother.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Life as WE know it

     December 21st the world ENDED....LOL  Well, if you are reading this, it probably didn't end for you. There is always some prediction that the world is going to end or coming to an end. It will, one day!  What would you do if you had 24 hours to live?

   The world didn't end. Your life didn't end.  Everyone that closed their bank accounts have put it back by now!  What would you do if you know you had 24 hours to live? Would you love more, go harder, do the things you have on that "secret" bucket list.  Would you spend those hours looking back over your life talking about would da, could da, should da?
     If you think about it, that is how most of us, generally.  Every day, we wake up and live our lives like little zombies.  We hit an event/affair  every once and a while....but really it is the same thing different day.  Aren't you tired of living this unfulfilled life, lifestyle?  Isn't there more to life than this?  When did we turn into such boring people? Life is more than just merely existing. Everyone will die but are we really LIVING?
     Have you heard the saying: life is wasted on the youth. Well, usually it a person well past their prime, living a lifestyle of nothingness and unfulfilled. I say dust off those dreams and make them come to life.The world DID end December but your new lifestyle starts TODAY. What are you gonna do?  This is your chance to live today like there is no tomorrow because as much as you believe that you will wake up....you might NOT.  Stop wallowing in what wasn't accomplished in the past, mistakes of the past, what you think you missed out on.
     Release your GREATNESS. You are great, you have special gifts and talents. There are things that only you can do.  Your smile could inspire someone. Your helping hand push someone to excel.  You have a purpose, release it and it will not only help other but it will help you.

Get YOUR life!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013


    The thing most important after one's mate and children are friends! This is a topic that can go one way or another.  Some women will say sure they have plenty of friends, while others will be very specific and say that they have more male friends than female. When asked why there will be a variety of reasons but the ones that intrigue me the most are women are catty, women are jealous; other women want what I have.
     Yes, some of this is true but it isn’t true of all women.  Could these characteristic be ones that you pass on or label on other women because of some bad life experience or are these your personal character flaws?  Could this be the residual effects of your own personal insecurities?  Is this a legacy that you have inherited from grandmother, mother then pass down to your daughter? Is this the mental and verbal abuse of your spirit when you were a girl?
     Friendship is a connection where people are going the same direction either moving forward, moving backwards or just maintaining.  Friendship should be mutually beneficial to all parties involved.   Great advice, good listener, helpful, supportive, trustworthy, loyal, honest, respectful,dependable: these are qualities of a friend.  What prevents us from being good friends: jealously, self loathing, insecurities, selfish, narcissistic, low self-esteem and the list can go on?
    Do you know what friendship is?  Think on that, with that being said....do on to others as you want others to do on to you. What type of friend are you? Are you the type of person that you would be friends with? Are there some things that you are willing to change to become a better friend? Do you value your friendships?  Do you believe that your friendship is valuable or impacts your friend(s) positively or negatively?
      Friendships to change, grow and dissipate.  Sometimes the friends that we have no longer really "connect" for whatever reason.  It happens and there isn't a need to be upset about it, it is a part of life. It doesn't mean that your love has changed for this person.  It does mean that you could be going into different directions, life changes or whatever it is.  True friendship NEVER is gone, you will reconnect.
  This is a new year and everyone is saying that they are making improvements and changes. Why not make this one of those changes?