1 Authentic Woman

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Make Yourself HIGH on Your Priority List

You are Number ONE, you really are! 
Nothing can be done without you, please believe that. You are the cab driver, the chef, the mechanic, take the kids to the doctor, take the dog to the vet, laundry, maid, nurturer, disciplinarian, mother, wife, sister, cousin, aunt, business owner....whatever other million hats you wear. You are definitely EVERY woman. The kids needs. The husband needs. Your job needs. Everyone needs something from you, including YOU.

       Make yourself PRIORITY. A few months ago I read an article where Michelle Obama shared the importance of making yourself PRIORITY.  The article went on to speak about all of the roles she plays as a wife, first lady, mother, and the many programs that she runs the importance of making herself PRIORITY NUMBER 1.  It doesn't take away from any of the hats she wears but it assures that she is happy, healthy and mentally refreshed as she "does life".  She discussed the importance of caring for herself mentally, physically and emotionally.
Commit to making yourself priority. So, the questions is....are you keeping your commitment to yourself to eat better, exercise, take a vacation, do things that you like to do or are you committed to people, places and things outside of yourself? Do you take every opportunity to explore your personal wellbeing, happiness and joy? When was the last time you made yourself priority and didn't feel guilty? Did you know when you make your happiness, wellbeing, physical and mental health priority that it benefits all people, places and things that are connected to you. Your house is happy. Your business or career flourishes. Your relationships are better. Your attitude is better.
Take time for yourself.  It is so important to make time just for you because your are the resource for many things if not everything that happens in all areas of your life. Let's be honest, when you aren't feeling your best.....nothing goes right! I know that is how it is for me. When you can learn how to manage making time for yourself everyone around you receives the benefit.
*Schedule time
Start in small increments.  Take 10 minutes every day. Try to schedule this time at the same time every day. I usually take my time after I get in from work and I am walking my dog. That is an easy 10/15 minutes. As you become comfortable with taking this time you can extend the length. The reason why I used comfortable because we, as women, feel guilty the moment we do something for ourselves. That is what we are taught and that subconscious voice plays in our head. Please ignore it an invest your time in yourself. If you have young children, it will difficult but do able. Put a do not disturb sign on the bathroom door and stay there. If you have a spouse or significant , enlist his help.
Determine a purpose.  Once you have started mastering scheduling your time and graduated the time to 1 hour or more, DO SOMTHING....take a class, join a group, work out. Do something that you enjoy. Oh I forgot to mention that you should have been using that scheduled time to figure out what you like, might want to try, or get back into.
*Live, Love, Laugh
Finally, life is meant to live, love and laugh!!!  Believe it or not...life is very short. I never really thought about being 47 when I was in my 20s less more when I was 16. When I realized my mortality that was my pyridine shift, the moment that I decided that I was going to be happy on purpose. I am going to live on purpose. Love on purpose. Laugh on purpose. Make myself PRIORITY on purpose! I am a perfect idea in God's mind.

Be Authentic
Be Great