1 Authentic Woman

Monday, October 29, 2018

SELF-Esteem, Get YOU Some

When You Know Your Shape, It Will Build Your Esteem And Grow Your FAITH

Do you know someone that never has anything good to say about them self? What about a person that is always the victim? Is everyone "always talking about me"? Nothing ever works? Maybe that person is defensive whenever you speak with them about them self.

"Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations-that's what I had in mind for you."
Jeremiah 1:5 MSG

Recently, I had a conversation about a person that is in my life. He is always the victim. He is always
 defensive when you talk to him. If you don't agree with anything he says or does then you don't like him. He always seems to be angry anytime I talk to him, unless he is getting what he wants. This particular conversation was because he was UPSET about something that he believes that someone is saying about him. WE know that are saying it but what can you do?! Unfortunately, in the age of social media, everyone is APPEARING to be "Living their best life". Then social media allows people to be cyber bullies to others by posting mean things or giving others the visual that they want them to have about others. His situation is the latter.
Back to the conversation, it occurred to me during the conversation that people with low self esteem allow what other say, think or do to them, for them or say about them,ESTEEM them. It can have a positive effect to bring you up when you down, but it can have a negative effect/impact.  The thing is when you allow what others thoughts of feelings about you, ESTEEM, how you feel about yourself... you could be in a world of trouble.
Have you ever wondered why you are happy doing some thing but not others? I mean, happy helping other but irritated going to work. At work you are making the money that you desire, drive the car, live in the house, have the mate that you desire
When you have knowledge of what you are suppose to be doing in this world, it doesn't make your life easier, BUT it certainly give you an understanding. YOU were placed here to do something. You are chosen! God knew what He had in mind when he thought about YOU. You are a perfect idea in God's mind. 
When you get accolades from others, of course it feels good. It makes you happy. Depending on how grand the accolade is, you could feel like you are on cloud 9. But how does it make you feel when people say bad or negative things? Yes....it hurts. It makes you sad. It could also make your feel angry! The thing is when we allow what others think and feel about us superseded what GOD, the creator has written about us...it can be shattering, distracting and maybe even life ALTERING. 
Imagine if everytime a person, place, or thing attacked your self esteem how you would feel if you could defend yourself. Just the knowledge of FACT that before I was shaped in the womb, GOD knew all about me. He knew what makes me happy and sad. He knew what mistakes that I would make. He knew who He created me to be and what He put me on this Earth to do. He knew the people that I would impact. He had not just plans but HOLY plans.

*He created YOU in His image.
*You're so loved and beautiful BEYOND imagination
*He didn't create ANYONE like you. You are an original and unique
*Not one drop of my self-worth depends on your acceptance of me
*Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth
*See yourself through GOD's eyes
*No one can make your feel inferior without your consent
*You are fearfully and wonderfully made
*You are the apple of God's eye
*You are a perfect idea in God's mind
*Because you are made in HIS image, YOU are God wrapped in flesh.

#BeGreat #BeOriginal #URLoved #BeAuthentic