1 Authentic Woman

Sunday, December 10, 2017

A New Weight Loss Program

GUEST BLOGGER***Karen Thomas****

With the new year just weeks away, change seems to be on everyone's mind.
Many see the new year as a time to do things differently or a new chance to change the things that they feel are keeping them from living their best life. So they make New Year's resolutions which brings promises of new love, new money and a new life.  One of the top resolutions that is often made is the resolve to lose weight.  People start the year out meal planning, starting diets and exercise programs all in hopes of losing those few extra pounds, only to find themselves 2-3 months into the new year giving up.
I'd like to submit to you that perhaps there is a different type of weight loss that needs to take place in this new year that may help with not only losing pounds but also with your finances, love life and business as well. 
This weight loss will get you in touch with the Authentic you.   I call this emotional weight loss.    With this weight loss regimen, you don't have to change your physical diet but you will have to change your mental diet. Let's take a look at this plan.  

What do I need to lose?

1. Negative self-talk.    What do you say to you when you make a mistake?
2. Naysayers.  Who do you allow to speak to you about your dreams?
3. Procrastination.  Procrastination can be the killer of dreams
4. Unproductive Relationships.  Do they cause you to grow and be better?
5. Fear.  This will keep you stuck. 

How do I lose this weight (the exercise program)?

1. Change how you speak to you. When you feel the urge to speak negatively about you, stop, breathe, and change your words...say the opposite.
2. Change your confidants.  Don't tell your dreams to those who don't believe in you or can't dream with you.
3. Take action.  Stop taking so much time contemplating and thinking about what to do and just do it. 
4. Change your friendships and relationships.  Understand that everyone is not equipped to be in your starting line-up (sports reference).  Some are meant to be on the bench, in the crowd and some are cheerleaders.  Learn who is supposed to play which position and put them there. 
5. Do things that scare you. I have found this is one of the ways to overcome some of your fears; the others, you'll just have to close your eyes and leap.

How do I maintain the weight loss (the meal plan)?

1.  Daily Affirmations. Say something great about you daily
2. Vision Board.  Write the vision so that you can put your eyes on it daily. Get it ingrained in your mind.
3. Continue to move forward. Give your goals dates and let nothing distract you.
4.  Don't be afraid or feel guilty about letting people go. Understand that everyone has a purpose in your life, figure out what their purpose is and move accordingly.
5.  Imagine what you could do if there was no fear. 

This is just a brief outline on how to get started to what is  your most important weight loss. This weight loss can not only lead you to losing physical weight but also losing the mental and emotional weight clears the way for finances, greater relationships and careers to reach you. Most of all it opens up the door to being your Authentic self!


Karen Thomas, Founder/CEO of Sistas Healed & Empowered , is a natural motivator and talented life coach.  She uses her talents to help women make positive life changing decisions while coaching them to find peace during transition. Karen spent time working with women in transitional housing and public housing to help them gain independence after homelessness and incarceration.  As a mother of one daughter, Karen is a very active mother to not only her biological child but to many other children across the country.  Karen’s vision incorporates her desire to see women excel in life and overcome obstacles that have the potential to stifle their growth.  As she uses her own life experiences to teach and coach women she does so with transparency and an authentic spirit of love, compassion, and understanding.  Today Karen continues to offer her expertise to women everywhere through individual coaching, seminars, webinars, and speaking engagements. 

To contact Karen, please do so via email at sheismybiz@gmail.com
Twitter: @she_atx
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sistashealedandempowered

Friday, December 1, 2017

The Power to Re-invent Yourself

GUEST BLOGGER***Alicia Buchanan****

New year, new you, right?  It’s totally cliché and everyone is saying it. But waiting for a new year resolution is not always promised to us. You’ve played the game all year long, been the good girl, helped everyone else. Now it is time to help yourself get off that emotional rollercoaster of life happening. 

Why not get a fresh start today and do what you planned to do last year? So what, things didn’t go according to your plan.  Start fresh again.  Relinquish your power to God and let go of disappointment. Disappointment can paralyze your dreams.   It is related to failure and not too far from fear.  Kill it now. Do something bold.

Whether this means getting a new job, moving across town, taking that trip abroad, starting your own business, letting go of a toxic relationship or letting go of stuff that doesn’t work for you, do something courageous that you have never done. 

You have the right to live your best life like Oprah says. 

No one is perfect, even the strong Black woman needs help most of the time.  Contrary to our cultural conditions to remain silent about what we are facing or think that our stories do not matter, it is not harmful to embrace our true reality. 

Don’t fall victim to comparing yourself to anyone else.  They have their own story.  This is all about you and you have permission to be selfish.
Honestly, outward appearances and impressions are deceiving.  Most men and women strive to have what they feel is the perfect marriage, kids, house, luxury  vehicle, six figure salary and a good relationship with God and overall healthy wellbeing.
Again these outward appearances can be deceiving.

Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it is not always wise to compare the outward appearances of other people’s lives to your own.
Falling into the trap of wanting what other people have can be deadly. Yet, not dreaming at all can be just as deadly.  Awaken your own dreams.  Purpose it in your heart to be all you can be.

If you have lived a comfortable safe life all of your life, this may be a hard pill to swallow.
Let’s start from the beginning.

“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved” (Psalm 55:22).

Alicia Buchanan is CEO of Golden Opportunity to Develop and Alicia Buchanan Ministries – a personal development connoisseur and faith based mental health support for women and families, Founder of the Soulful Sister Searching Movement, Author of From Exile to EMBRACE: 7 Secrets to Lead a Happier Life Through Love and Forgiveness, life/relationship coach and transformational speaker.

Connect with me: http://aliciabuchanan.com/