1 Authentic Woman

Monday, September 2, 2013

Be Happy, Be Authentic

WANTED WOMANHOOD was released August 1, just 30 days ago.  It has been exciting! I have had a few book signing and my first overseas sales.  I have had a radio interview. The first book I sold was to a MAN.  I would say that this has been the happiest that I have been in a long time.  I have started living in who I am created to be.  The only thing is......I really HATE my job!  It was just an ends to a means. I work, go to school, parent, write and now I am trying to establish a business.  Work leaves me so unfulfilled. Work is just that, WORK. Now that I have released my book work has become even more irritating than it was in the first place.  It is just a check. It is just a resource. I changed when I started writing. I felt free. I was more calm and even more pleasant to deal with.
What has changed? The fact that I have made the choice to BE AUTHENTIC, I have become happy.
      There are so many people in the world that are just unhappy. They are just living....getting up in the morning going to their job, doing for children, loved ones, eating the same meal.  Then you can't figure out why you are always bored. You are bored because you are going from station to stations with no highs, just a lifestyle of uneventful events. I have been there. I have been so deep in it that I didn't even smile. I smile a lot more now!
     So what does it take to get to this utopia?  Well, for me it took me letting go! I let go of what I thought others wanted from me and for me. I started investing time in myself.  When I started investing in me, my worth grew hence my value to others grew.  Who I am created to be has nothing to do with the mistakes I have made. I have made plenty. God hadn't changed his mind about what He wanted me to do. He hadn't changed his mind about who He wanted me to be.  I just had chosen not to accept it.  The fact that I had chosen not to accept it put me in a place of being unfulfilled.  It put me in a state of living station to station. I was just existing, taking up space.
     Getting to happy is a destination.  It is also a choice.  You can get up everyday, on purpose, happy.  You could also choose to just get up.  It is a blessing to wake up because everyone that started the same time as you won't end the same time as you. There are people that died without the chance to live in their purpose. They didn't figure out what their purpose was.  They didn't get the chance to be happy.  Being happy comes from a decision made daily to live your life like there is not tomorrow.  Being happy comes  from living AUTHENTIC. Living authentic comes out of telling the truth to yourself about your desires, faults and issues.  Living authentic requires you to be free to be who you are created to be.
Be Happy
Be Authentic