1 Authentic Woman

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Game Changer

                As the New Year begins to get closer, people start to think about how they intend to make improvements in their life: I will lose weight, I will work out, I will eat healthy, and I will go to church.  After the New Year starts, the gyms are full of people until the end of February.  That is when everything goes back to normal. The people that have made a choice to change their lifestyle get their gym back and the ones that made a temporary change are back at home on the couch watching TV.
                Getting to better is mind, body and spirit is a lifestyle that does not begin with just a few trips to the gym. It does not begin with a couple of healthy choices in your diet.  It begins with a mental shift.  In life, we have so many things that we go through. There are difficulties that are beyond our control.  There are times when we are the cause of the twist and turns of our roller coaster of life.  Things in life will change, that is a guarantee!  What will make you hold your course to your commitment to weight loss, working out, going back to school for that degree or whatever it is that you intend to accomplish is AUTHENTICITY.
                Authenticity IS genuineness, correctness, truthfulness.  Authenticity shines through with truthfulness to self.  The mental shift begins when one can be truthful to yourself.  Once this mental shift begins you will notice little things.  You may notice you have become more truthful to your lifestyle.  Things that you did before you might even realize you did not even like them so you stop doing them.  Things that you may have been afraid to try, you step out and do them.
                Your “swag” is different.  The changes that are occurring on the outside are now beginning to show up on the outside.  You will smile a little more; you know your REAL smile.  You laugh a lot more.  You are more pleasant to be around. Your conversation is different.  Your connections are different.  The concern that you have if people will like what you say or do will probably begin to dissipate. You will think more positive causing you to behave more positive.
                In order to produce a SUCCESSFUL change, it should start from the inside out.  Authenticity will give you a happiness that you have never experienced before. This happiness will translate into the best mother, sister, daughter, friend, girlfriend, wife, employee, employer, woman and person that you can be.  This happiness will provoke a lifestyle change. It will not seem to be so hard to stick to working out, change in diet, commitments to your personal success.  The New Year is just weeks away. It is time to make some decisions about what you want out of life because it is too short to live unfulfilled.  I challenge you to look deep within yourself and tell yourself the truth. Determine what makes you happy then go for it!  Commit to your personal happiness and your personal success.  That commitment will be the game changer for your successful lifestyle change.
Be Authentic, Be Happy,Be Blessed