1 Authentic Woman

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Independence At What Cost?


  • ·         Not subject to control by others

  • ·         Not requiring or relying on others

  • ·         Showing a desire for freedom

  • ·         Not relying on something else

                 Strong, smart, brave, pay my own bills, make my own decisions I don’t need NO man.  If I have heard that once, I heard that a million TIMES.  Independent is relative, meaning based on ones’ life experience.  To an 18 year old woman independence is not living under her mother’s rules and regulations but to a 30 year old woman independence is freedom, not subject to control by others, not requiring or relying on others.
Just a Little History
                The feminist movement (Women’s Movement, Women’s Liberation, or Women’s Lib) refers to a series of campaigns for reforms on issues such as reproductive rights, domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, women’s suffrage, sexual harassment and sexual violence.  This movement has been divided into 3 waves.  The first wave some women got the right to vote in 1918 and in 1925 ALL women got the right to vote.  The second wave (1960-1980) was when gender inequalities in law and culture were addressed. Then finally the third wave, in the early 1990s arose in response to the perceived failures of the second wave.
                There is not so much of a glass ceiling for women.  There are women not only in the office around the country and world but they are running companies and taking care of home, mostly.   The woman IS the bread winner in many homes!  Often times this mutation of “The Independent” woman puts her and her family in a position that someone is missing out: the child (ren), spouse and the woman but not necessarily in that order.  Sometimes the woman is away from her children so much they are missing so many of the important things that ONLY a woman can provide to her child (ren).  So much so that the child (ren) are seeking other resources to fill or fuel their needs, cravings and yearning for what is missing.  That need, crave or yearn could be different per child but when you aren’t there to fulfill whatever it is….it can/will be filled by someone else and the same goes for your relationship with your mate.
Take a breather, relax and chill life is passing you by. Your children are getting older and your “man” is slowly slipping away because you are have put him pretty low on your priority list. Yeah, I know that you don’t need a man but it is nice to have one around to help you make decisions and support you…mentally and spiritually

Luke 9:25 New International Version
 What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit their very self?

 So you have the nice car, nice home, jewelry, etc. PLUS, you have provided these things for yourself.  God has put you in a position to get STUFF.  Sure, you have worked and sacrificed to have it ALL but at what cost?

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