1 Authentic Woman

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Authentic SELF

     When I think about womanhood, I think about Proverbs 31:10-31.  A good woman is hard to find but she is priceless.  There are so many women that say that a good man is hard to find.  I would say that it is about the same for both men and women.  There are some of us that really believe that we are good, but are we.  Not many of us will admit to our short comings and even fewer of us are willing to change.  We are more likely to accept that someone else has the problem versus look in the mirror.
    Our problems are festering on the inside and oozing out. From the horrible things that we are doing to ourselves to the nastiness that we are infecting our daughters with. There are so many disgusting things that we do to the girlfriends we say we love. Beautiful women with such ugliness inside. Who are you, really? Is the woman that you present yourself to be the real you. Are you being your AUTHENTIC SELF?

  I recently interviewed Stylicia Bowden

Authentic Self*Stylicia
Me: What is being your authentic self to you?
Stylicia: When you are your authentic self you are able to be true to yourself by being real with yourself. The only way to be your authentic self is getting to the core of who you are by dealing with your issues.
Me: What does womanhood mean to you?
Stylicia: Womanhood is not defined by age but it is the pivotal moment of maturity by the actions you display in all facets of life.
Me: I recently read your blog, in particular, Beauty and the Beast. Do you think this is a factor that drives a girl/woman?
Stylicia: I believe anger is a factor that drives anyone into a place of being uncontrollable and not utilizing sound judgement. It is important to balance the anger by learning to overcome each situation with peace. I believe in womanhood especially in our sisterhood we allow irrelevant things such as anger, jealousy, hatred etc. drive us apart.
Me: Do you think that women have lost what being a woman is about?
Stylicia: Yes
Me:Why or why not?
Stylicia: I believe women do not know who they are so they search to find who they really are through their experiences, TV, magazines and more. Women who do not deal with their baggage can damage an innocent bystander. 

The entire interview in my upcoming book.......

Be sure to comment

Stylicia's Bio

   Ms. Bowden was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, "The Motor City" where she started creative writing at the young age of eight years old. She wrote poems, plays, short stories and songs throughout her childhood. Creative writing was a way to express her thoughts and emotions freely without judgment from the outside world. As she grew writing became a language she often use to translate internal feelings on paper. However, after spending nine years in the military she used her traveling experiences to develop her writing skills. Before exiting the United States Navy she went on to complete four self published poetic literary works entitled: The Princess Within: The Soul Of A Woman, Soulseeker, All About Him: The Experience and The Writer’s Block: The Sound Of The Spoken Word.
    In Stylicia's budding career she has appeared on numerous blogs, radio and TV shows. Ms. Bowden poetic work has been featured on Essence "My Black Is Beautiful" website for her poetic piece entitled "Blaque Girls Rock". Ms. Bowden has also appeared in February, April and July 2012 issue of Essence Magazine. However since her career has taken flight she has produced and hosted her own poetry show in Charleston, SC entitled "A Night Of Poetic Elegance" for two consecutive years. In order to take her poetic vernacular to another level Ms. Bowden also produced and completed two spoken word albums entitled "The Sound Of The Spoken Word" and "The Anthology Of My Soul". Stylicia's ultimate desire is to continue to allow her poetic writing gift to make room for her God given artistry to bring her in the company of other like minded individuals. Her passion for her artistry allows her to continue to set standards and break barriers in her writing genre.
Literary Interviews via Radio/Internet/TV:
The Tammy Show (Comcast Channel 2) Charleston, SC- August 7th, 2008
Low County Live (Channel 4) Charleston, SC-August 17,2010
Love of Spoken Word & Neo-Soul(Blog Talk Radio) –October 21, 2010
Vox Poetica 15 minutes of Poetry w/ Annmarie Lockhart –November 11th, 2010
The Beautiful Butterfly Show-September 16th, 2011
Live Talk With Lynette Magic 107.3FM Charleston, SC-Oct 2, 2011
WHFR-89.3 FM Radio “Strictly Gospel w/Andy Parks” Interview Dearborn, MI-July 3rd, 2011
Lowcountry Parent Magazine- November 1st, 2012

Guest Blog Featurettes
The Proverbs 31 Woman
College Girl Inc.

1st Annual Spoken Word Billboard Awards (Individual Poetic Piece), Canton Michigan

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the introduction to Stylicia. I'm looking forward to more interviews like it!

    I appreciate her perspective on womanhood as being a role that women mature into. I always thought of it as being a community (neighborHOOD and womanHOOD), but her perspective makes me wonder if it's a combination of a community that we mature into a community of women who are working on maturing together.

    Just keep blogging and I'll keep refining my understanding of the word ;)
